OXUS is a microfinance network present in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan offering microcredits and other financial inclusion services to individuals, workers and Small and Medium Enterprises that are excluded from the traditional banking services.
OUR OBJECTIVE: a 3zero World
OXUS is part of the 3zero alliance. In 2015, the international community made key commitments for the future of our planet: The 2030 Agenda, whose achievement is essential to the preservation of the environment and the dignity of every human being.
To answer this call and make the Sustainable Development Goals understandable to everyone, three associations – ACTED, Convergences and Gawad Kalinga – have started the 3Zero initiative. Its ambition: the co-construction of a future whose main challenges are based on three major pillars – the end of inequalities and discrimination, the urgent fight against climate change, and the eradication of extreme poverty. These imperatives are reflected in the 3Zero message – Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty. It is both a modest and ambitious contribution, proposing a reading of the SDGs, and a unifying message calling for collective and individual action.